Sunday, November 2, 2008


Today had band performance..
Stupid SM wasn't there to see us..
then got free goodie bag..
but can only take at 12nn..
so we just left without anything..

I think i appeared sad while playing the pieces..
I had lots of things on my mind..
and i was paranoid..
people might think it was because i was sad or something..
No one knew much..
coz I wasn't sociable to outside the frequency..
so yea..
I was just paranoid..
can't say for what reason though..

Was supposed to have watched HSM3 today..
I have this urge to watch it before watching the DVD..
unlike 1 and 2..
so yea..
but my cousin was overseas at JB..
so we didn't go..
and so..
my mum and i went to buy my Sch books at popular..
Wish everything is exactly what they make us buy..
coz popular, although good, can't be trusted fully though..
I bought my Home Ec textbook and workbook from them..
and they were not what was in the book list..
I know it's not their fault..
but i still was angry..

Then i was smsing Chun Chun Kor Kor for a while..
he says he has a Girl..
but I'm still trying to figure out who..

so tired today..
i shld really start exercising again..
since the exams started..
I haven't been exercising much..
but there's no one to exercise with..
so it's kinda boring..

that's all up to now..
reading thru my Physics book..
since it's my most hated subject..
might as well start getting it through..

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