Thursday, November 13, 2008

Have you ever seen me cry?

I've cried too much today..
First at Marjorie..
she got eliminated..

then it's that show on Chn 8, Life Transformers..
this 50 year old mother still taking care of her mentally disabled son..
and when Quan Yi Feng was cleaning her house..
she wiped her clean off her sweat..
it was so touching..
I cried again..

then i cried after watching the last episode of Friends..
gonna truly miss them..

now I'm entirely bored with nothing to do but just continue with Puzzle Quest..
played Gunz at noon with Paul..
he sucks like hell..
meh heh heh..
I ruled!
he hates using guns..
and uses the sword even though i'm killing him to death..
so much fun..

now i'm reading Off Centre..
and Mastering Unseen Poetry i found in my sister's old textbooks box..
next years gonna suck real bad..
and i hope i get nothing but good grades..
if not i'm seriously gonna cut off all communications and just study like an owl..

angel understand no mercy~

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