Sunday, July 5, 2009

And I'm singing "Uh-oh" on a friday night.

And I hope everything's gonna be alright.

I'm distraught.
Everythin's goin' down hill.
I'm afraid of the future.
It's not dependant on my present.
It's what has happened in the past that I can't change.

Time goes on way too fast these days.
Everythin' is quick and simple.
With internet.
Information spreads QUICKLY.
But not everyone replies asap.

I find myself thinkin' about my future job.
I like chemistry.
I look into the life of a Chemist.
I find that they don't hold secure jobs.
I don't even know the pay.

Then comes TEACHIN' Chemistry.
It's quite ok.
But I don't like the fact that I would some day have to be responsible if I can't teach properly.

My main point is.
Art Club.
As an extra cca.
Hopefully I can get an extra CCA.
My points are hopeless.
Another year and still won't max.
Somemore this year no concert.
no concert=no sellin' tix=no end year trip= total of about a million cca points.
well not A million.
Less than a million?
Round 7?

Comics are back.
Mutts, Baby blues, Foxtrot.
Don't forget Garfield.

Now Hans, Gab and I are all high.
Talkin' on Gab's FB status.

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